
Try It Free
Manage, Edit, and Share Your Photo Collections​
All The Best Features!
Instantly preview your photos in the highest quality and clarity. Enlarge your images for full screen viewing and navigate photos quickly using the filmstrip.

Zoom and pan features let you look at all the details of your images with ease. The Thumbnail preview lets you see where you are in the image

Sharing photos is just a click away with Facebook®, Gmail®, Hotmail® and Microsoft Outlook® integration. Resize your photos on the fly.

Enhance your photos quickly using several filters and effects. A preview window lets you see the results. An undo button lets you go back. The photo viewer also has tools that let you edit, sharpen, rotate, resize, convert and crop images.

Bring out the best in your photos with improved photo enhancement tools like Color Balance, White Balance and Auto Enhance. Then fine tune your touch-ups with Intensity and Saturation adjustments, and much more.
The Red Eye tool helps you correct red eye in your photos. Add the interesting Mosaic effect to your images with the Mosaic tool found in the image viewer.

Apply multiple properties to one or more images in one go! You can enhance, add effects and filters, add watermarks, resize and rename files with the new batch processing feature.

View multi-page TIFF files and ZIP archives. Easily scroll through archived image files and navigate multi-page Tiff documents.

Organize your images easily without changing the location of the original files using My Favorites. This way entire albums can be organized easily and efficiently for fast retrieval.

Various file and folder view and selection modes make it easy to manage multiple albums and groupsusing the photo manager.

Sync photos from your smartphone, digital camera and memory cards for easy and fast retrieval. Retrieve only the photos you want.

Burn photos or entire albums to CDs or DVDs using the Image Burning Wizard. Then share them with your friends and family.

Easily create and play slideshows in Full screen from within MyQuickView™. The slideshow feature lets you play a slideshow immediately or from a specific folder.

Rate and Categorize your images to help you manage them easier. Retrieve images by rating, category or combination. Use Tags for organizing and processing your images. Tag images in multiple folders and use Batch Processing and other functions.

The Video Player lets you play videos and allows you to capture video frames and save them as images. Plays all common video formats.